
An advanced moderation bot loaded with plenty of modern-moderation features capable of delivering precise moderation.

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You are able to create an appeal for all types of infractions with Parallel, even bans (if they are enabled in the server.) If you are not in the server, you are able to create an appeal via Parallel's DM's.

Appeals Feature


Parallel supports both message logging and moderation logging for comprehensive server monitoring.

Logging Feature


Easily lock any designated channels quickly with just one command, providing instant control over server access.

Locking Feature


Create private tickets for support team members to handle user inquiries efficiently and securely.

Tickets Feature

Additional Infraction Information

Add extra information to all infractions with customizable messages for each type, streamlining your moderation workflow.

Infraction Info Feature


Use predefined shortcuts for moderation commands with custom reasons and durations, fully compatible with slash commands.

Shortcuts Feature

And so much more.

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