Privacy Policy of Parallel

This Privacy Policy explains what data Parallel collects and how it uses it. By using Parallel, you consent to your data being collected and used in the ways described. If you do not, please refrain from using the bot. If you have any questions regarding the security of your data or anything else related to it, please contact us through the support server.

Information We Collect

Parallel exclusively collects information that users deliberately input while interacting with the bot. This may include, but is not limited to, command inputs, preferences, or any other data directly provided by users during their use of the bot. All stored Discord messages outside of command prompts are encrypted and only viewable by users with the appropriate link. Most collected data can be directly viewed and modified via a command.

How We Use Your Data

The data collected is solely used for the functionality of Parallel Bot. It is not used for anything beyond what is necessary for the proper operation of the bot.


We heavily value user privacy and the security of their data. You have complete control over any data that gets stored by the bot. Your data is not visible to anyone except developers. We thank you for trusting and using our bot.

Last Updated: January 6, 2024